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Awareness Through Movement® Classes

Awareness Through Movement® (ATM®) group classes lead the students through a series of simple movements, building to more complex movements that may not have been possible at the beginning of the lesson.


These lessons provide the opportunity for students to attend to their own individual needs and build their own kinesthetic awareness. 


Awareness Through Movement increases our movement vocabulary in exactly the same way a baby learns to walk in the first year of life, by exploration and serendipity. 


These lessons are not exercise or therapy. 


It is not the movement that is important but the awareness that you bring to the movement. 

This allows our intelligent nervous system to record and learn how to be more efficient, reducing pain and discomfort.


The classes not only teach how to sense and move but also how to listen and respond to ourselves, which has a surprising impact on our general sense of security and well-being.


An underlying principle of the Feldenkrais Method is that when one part of the body isn’t moving enough, another part has to move too much to compensate, a recipe for pain and dysfunction.


When we find our places that are stuck and gently coax them into moving again, our quality of life both physical and emotional can blossom.


All you need is your first WOW lesson to be hooked.

If you sit a lot, have any kind of restricted or specialized movement, chronic pain, arthritis, balance or posture issues, headaches, breathing problems, anxiety or depression, the Feldenkrais Method can help.

Hi Everyone,


I am not currently presenting live classes at this time.
But please check out the audio recordings of my previous classes or go to my YouTube channel for short videos.


Francie White’s well planned Feldenkrais Awareness Through Movement lessons offer numerous step-by-step mind/body explorations where you can learn to re-establish old, forgotten mind/body connections, or learn new connections and less strenuous ways of moving.  I always notice improved mobility and less pain after each class and highly recommend these lessons to anyone who is in need of a mind/body defrag and rebuild (for example, anyone like me who has spent the last 40+ years hunched over a computer keyboard).

As a bonus, Francie also seems to always deliver at least one Zen-like but humorous koan per lesson, such as this one (from Preparing to Roll Over):  “Sometimes we have to get MORE confused before we figure things out.”  Truer words could not be spoken!  Feldenkrais with Francie is a great way to get more confused so you can figure things out – and giggle at yourself while doing so – a sentiment you will surely embrace after just one or two lessons.  I wholeheartedly encourage all to sign up and enjoy the rewards of reconnecting your mind & body.  Kudos and warm thanks to Francie for her great presentations and her thorough Feldenkrais knowledge base.


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